He eventually recruited guitarist Chris Walla, bassist Nick Harmer, and drummer Nathan Good to make some waves locally. And that’s essentially where the 21st century’s definitive indie band got started: In 1997, under the name Death Cab for Cutie-taken from a Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band song that appeared in The Beatles’ film Magical Mystery Tour-Western Washington University student Ben Gibbard recorded the lo-fi cassette You Can Play These Songs With Chords in his Bellingham, Washington, basement. Our catalogue features 1 arrangement of Cath, available for purchase for 1 instrument.Death Cab for Cutie make even the most grandiose guitar-pop epic sound as intimate as a raw bedroom recording. Do you use Facebook or Twitter? Then you can easily tell your online friends about this great masterpiece by clicking on the "share" button on this page. All you need to do is choose a screen-name (one that has not yet been taken - we will tell you if it has been), and you are ready to post. Simply click on it to view existing customer feedback, and to type your own. We have a Comments tab below where you can write your thoughts about this Death Cab For Cutie song. In order to achieve this, please click on the drop-down box called "Instrument" and alter the selection.

Should this composition be available for a number of different instruments, then you have the option to view arrangements for just one specific instrument. Once you have purchased and printed a piece of sheet music you will be able to view and hear the piece in its entirety.

Most scores also offer a one-page audio playback. Please click on the preview button to view a one-page preview of the score. Cath is a Death Cab For Cutie composition. The sheet music for the track Cath can be purchased below.